Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Watch this. Immediately.

I've spent the past couple of nights watching the excellent new Ken Burns documentary The War. For those of you who aren't familiar, it's his look at World War II. After having watched the first three episodes, I can definitely recommend it. The film is an amazing mix of archival footage and interviews with veterans, families, neighbors-giving a real sense of the effect the war had on every American. Part of what makes it so interesting is that Burns ventures outside the typical WWII storyline. In addition to a basic rundown of the major battles and campaigns, he turns the lens on the events here at home. A particularly poignant segment from tonight's episode deals with Japanese-American soldiers going off to fight, while their families are behind barbed wire in an internment camp.

By seeing exactly what these soldiers (and their families) went through, the true impact of the war is brought home. I don't think that it's an exaggeration to say that this war truly affected everyone in America. To look at that time, and that place, and to see the sacrifices that were made by so many, is inspiring.

For those of you here in Nashville, here's a link to WNPT's schedule for this program. For those of you elsewhere, go here to find a station near you. And don't forget, Veteran's Day is observed on November 12. Go to your local Veteran's Day events and give the surviving WWII vets the cheers the so greatly deserve.

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